‚l‚‚„‚…‚ŒF‚b‚k‚R|‚S‚O i‚l‚‚„‚…‚Œ@‚b‚k‚Q|‚S‚Oj
‚S‚O‚O ‚”‚™‚‚… ‚b‚™‚Œ‚‰‚Ž‚„‚’‚‰‚ƒ‚‚Œ Polishing Machine
@Number of Spindle @3 spindles ( or 2 spindles)
@Radius @20`‡ ‡o.
@Dimensions of lower
@spindle tool
@Min. 50~50 ‡o.
@Max. 400~400 ‡o.
@Distance between spindles @450 ‡o.
@Oscillating stroke on
@before and behind motion
@20`120 per minutes
@Infinitely variable
@Oscillating stroke @0`±75 ‡o.
@Adjustment for right
@and left motion
@0`±30 ‡o.
@Oscillating stroke on
@right and left motion
@20`120 per minutes
@Infinitely variable
@Reciprocating stroke @0`±75 ‡o.
@Timer @180 minutes timer on each spindle
@Plishing pressure @By air system
@Motor @200V@@200W@@3ƒΣ@@Total 6 pcs.
@for each upper and lower spindle
@(4 pcs. for 2 spindle)
@Coolant pump @200V@@180W@@2P@@3phase@@1pc.
@Abrasive liquid tank @Ø=310‡o.@@1pc.
@Dimensions @W 2,200‡o.@D 1,320‡o.@H 1,460‡o.
@iW 1,620‡o. for 2 spindles)
@Weight @800kg.
Specification will be changed for improvement without notice.
1)@An exclusive polishing machine for cylindrical surface of convex and concave.

2)@Furnishing upper spindle with concave surface materials (or concave surface
@@tool) and give them "before and behind" motion on straight line and also
@@furnishing lower spindle with convex surface polishing tool (or convex
@@surface materials), giving them "right and left" reciprocation motion on
@@straight line.

3)@Having adjusting mechanism of stroke and width of upper and lower spindles,
@@holding them steadily in optical axis direction.

4)@Polishing pressure is produced by air cylinder system and to start machine
@@with setting up of pressure strenght and polishing hours, the machine is
@@automatically actuated and the pressure is released upon the termination
@@of polishing hours.@Thus, blocking or unblocking of lenses from tool is
@@easily done.

5)@Overarm pins are rising upward and is locked by swictch operation when change
@@of polishing tools or cleaning of basin are necessary.

6)@Slurry tank is stainless-steel made and is designed for long durability
@@in use and also for supplying of equal density of slurry mixture.